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Terms and Conditions for the SickKids Limited Edition Bears Raffle: To enter the raffle, a person must hold at least one raffle ticket, but may enter the draw with multiple tickets. Tear off the raffle ticket along the dotted line and drop off the detached portion with completed personal information in the designated raffle ticket box. Participants must keep the original raffle ticket for the purpose of winning and receiving the prize. If there is inaccurate or unclear information on the ticket, it will be deemed invalid and there will be a draw for the next eligible winner. Raffle tickets will be available until Monday, September 30, 2019 and submission of the raffle is until 9:00pm. The raffle draw date will be on October 5, 2019 at each store location and the results of the winners will be posted on October 7, 2019. The prize winners must claim their prize by October 31, 2019 and bring their original raffle ticket and photo identification to receive the prize at the Customer Service Counter. The prize for this raffle is a SickKids Limited Edition Bear in which each location will draw for 12 winners. There will be 20 additional draws to win a small gift provided by each store location. All prizes are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for an alternative prize. The organisers of this draw reserves the right to amend the raffle end date at any time. The organisers decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Each winner will be chosen by on-site customers for a random draw and winners will be notified by phone and email. The organizers reserve the right to publish the winners’ names on various media platforms. In the event that this prize is won by an overseas winner, shipping any local regulatory requirements will be on the overseas winner’s responsibility. By entering this raffle, the participant accepts the full terms, conditions and rules of this competition and agrees to abide by these rules and any requirements issued by the organisers in regard to the raffle.
SickKids 限量版守護熊抽獎活動條文及細則: 參加者捐款次數越多,抽獎機會越多。 參加者須沿虛線撕下抽獎卷末段,將已填妥個人資料的抽獎卷末段投入指定抽獎箱內。 參加者必須保留抽獎卷正本以作得獎核對及領獎之用,任何遺失/損毀/偽造/影印,一律失效。 如因填寫資料不準確或看不清楚而導致無法聯繫參加者, 將當作參加者自動放棄領獎,我們將進行補抽給下一位幸運兒。 抽獎活動截止日期為2019年9月30號晚上9點。 抽獎日期為2019年10月5。 抽獎名單將於2019年10月7日公佈於各分店。 得獎者須於2019年10月31日前,帶同得獎的抽獎卷正本及身份證明到店內服務台領取獎品,逾期作廢。 每家分店將抽出12名幸運兒各獲得SickKids限量版守護熊一隻,另外再抽出20名幸運兒各獲得店內小禮品一份。 所有獎品均不可轉讓,不得兌換為其他獎品。 主辦機構有權更改抽獎截止日期。 如有任何爭議,一概以主辦機構的最終決定為準。 抽獎當日會由現場顧客抽出得獎名單。主辦機構將以電郵方式通知得獎者領取獎品。 主辦機構有權將得獎者名單公佈於主辦機構的社交平台。 如果該獎項由海外參加者獲得, 所有運輸及清關費將由海外獲獎者自行負責。 參加本次抽獎活動是代表着參加者同意並遵守本次活動的全部條文及細則。
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